A Thousand Words: My Self-Portrait, "Self Reflection"

Posing alongside my self-portrait, “Self Reflection” at the Bonneville Salt Flats outside of Salt Lake City, Utah.

A picture’s worth a thousand words, or so the old adage goes. While a work of art may speak for itself, sometimes a few words can provide greater context, texture, and depth to a piece.

In my blog series, A Thousand Words, I dive deeper into the meaning and story behind the paintings. Here I explore the meaning behind my self-portrait “Self Reflection.”

My self-portrait, “Self Reflection” lying on the Bonneville Salt Flats outside of Salt Lake City, Utah.

I painted this piece a few years ago, but it still resonates with me today. I’m proud to have this work now on display at the Waterworks Visual Art Center in the exhibition “Art 4 All: I AM: Identity. Stories. Connection.”

In honor of this exhibition, I’ve loved revisiting this painting and these words that I wrote along with it, which held so much value and importance to me when I first created this work (and which, honestly, still do).

I had just returned to my art after a few years’ break and found that, when I returned, it was with a greater sense of self and love:

This painting represents, for me, my return to art.

Art has long been an integral part of my identity, which I have sincerely appreciated, but at some point, it seemed that art began to consume my identity and eclipse my every other attribute.

I started developing an unhealthy relationship with art - one where it no longer acted as my solace, my comfort, my expression, but instead as an indication of my own self-worth.

I did not give myself much room for error, let alone room for experimentation and growth.

And so, I took a break.

I worked on other aspects of myself and pursued passions of mine that had never before had the chance to be explored.

And while I acknowledge the vast amount of privilege involved in being able to change or alter your sense of identity, I hope that you don't hold yourself back from growth and change as much as I have.

I hope you try new things and fail wildly.

I hope you laugh at yourself and celebrate imperfection.

I hope you don't take yourself (or your craft) too seriously.

I implore you to not allow fear of imperfection / failure / criticism stop you from discovering just how rich and complex you can be.

I’m now honored to have this work, “Self Reflection,” selected into the juried exhibition “Art 4 All: I Am: Identity. Stories. Connections.” at Waterworks Visual Art Center in Salisbury, NC from Sept 12, 2022-January 26, 2023. Check out my blog on this exhibition to see more.